Model-agnostic AI Chat Application

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LensQuery - Model-agnostic AI Chat Application | Product Hunt
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Outstanding Features

An expert assistant in your pocket

LensQuery offers a model-agnostic application that helps you to choose your preferred AI model at best price.


What LensQuery offers?

Instant Image Analysis

Snap a picture and LensQuery's advanced algorithms immediately get to work. Whether it's a page of text, or a mathematical equation, LensQuery quickly analyzes the content to give you insights.

Engaging AI Conversations

Have a question about what you've captured? Engage with our state-of-the-art AI chat interface. Get elaborative answers, seek clarifications, or simply explore the topic further.

Privacy-Centric Design

Your privacy is our utmost priority. LensQuery is designed with stringent data protection measures, ensuring your snaps and queries remain confidential. LensQuery can use your own API key and store it locally on your device.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Unleash the power of curiosity with LensQuery.
Snap a photo and learn about the world around you.
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